Do you tend to turn to food in an effort to numb your emotions? This may work temporarily, but as soon as the food is gone the problem or stimulus to your emotion still remains. You most likely also feel a tremendous amount of guilt after your binging episode.
How can you prevent this from happening? Find ways to respond positively to your emotions rather than turning to food. Examples could be calling a friend to go for a walk or going on your own, using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, journaling, or reading a book. The more you continue to practice these "healthy" behaviors, the more they will become your outlet of choice.
Eventually you'll find that this will happen automatically without even having to think about it. No longer will you turn to the bag of chips or tub of icecream when a stressful event comes your way. You're in control, you're healthy, and you deserve to be happy!
Healthy wishes!!