Realistic eating. Real understanding. Real, lasting results.
Lifestyle Management & Nutrition helps clients discover a balanced, neutral relationship with food. With a focus on the shape of the mind, not the body, clients strengthen their relationship with food by strengthening their internal cues that promote flexibility in eating.
If living a healthy and positive lifestyle is what you truly want, you must first focus on your mindset. Diets simply do not and will not work. This is because a diet is simply a means to an end. You lose the weight and go back to your old way of living. This means the weight you lost will also return. Focusing solely on the shape of your body leaves out the most critical element – your mental health. When living a healthy and positive lifestyle, your mind will be nourished without the stress caused by restriction and deprivation when following a diet.
My initial focus with ALL my clients is their mental health. I firmly believe both mental health and nutrition go hand-in-hand in achieving overall wellness. Your mindset controls every aspect of your body, which means you CANNOT achieve wellness without a healthy mindset.
My approach is to focus on the individual, not the condition. I will evaluate your individual nutritional and emotional needs; explore your relationship with food; discover any medical complications, dietary allergies and/or intolerances you may have; personalize your solution; and restore your hope and relationship with food.
Some of the ways I work with clients to achieve a healthy mindset are as follows:
If you need more help working on the shape of your mind, I would love to work with you. Investing in your mental health will be the greatest investment you ever make!
In health,
Alissa C. Robertson, MS, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Owner
Lifestyle Management & Nutrition
Educational Background
If living a healthy and positive lifestyle is what you truly want, you must first focus on your mindset. Diets simply do not and will not work. This is because a diet is simply a means to an end. You lose the weight and go back to your old way of living. This means the weight you lost will also return. Focusing solely on the shape of your body leaves out the most critical element – your mental health. When living a healthy and positive lifestyle, your mind will be nourished without the stress caused by restriction and deprivation when following a diet.
My initial focus with ALL my clients is their mental health. I firmly believe both mental health and nutrition go hand-in-hand in achieving overall wellness. Your mindset controls every aspect of your body, which means you CANNOT achieve wellness without a healthy mindset.
My approach is to focus on the individual, not the condition. I will evaluate your individual nutritional and emotional needs; explore your relationship with food; discover any medical complications, dietary allergies and/or intolerances you may have; personalize your solution; and restore your hope and relationship with food.
Some of the ways I work with clients to achieve a healthy mindset are as follows:
- Practicing mindfulness – both nutritionally and in day-to-day life
- Meditation
- Achieving restorative sleep practices
- Journaling – not simply nutrition intake
- Eating nourishing foods without restriction
- Drinking lots of water
- Regular and consistent physical activity
- Adopting a minimalist lifestyle
- Spending time with friends and family
- Pursuing hobbies and passions!
If you need more help working on the shape of your mind, I would love to work with you. Investing in your mental health will be the greatest investment you ever make!
In health,
Alissa C. Robertson, MS, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Owner
Lifestyle Management & Nutrition
Educational Background
- Undergraduate studies at The University of Vermont (Nutrition and Dietetics) 2003.
- Masters studies at the University of Vermont (Nutrition and Dietetics) 2009.
- Registered Dietitian with experience in the fields of overall health and wellness, lifestyle weight management, fitness, and human performance.