Foods that are most tempting to us are more likely to trigger overeating when we come across them unexpectedly. Since these surprise confrontations are no doubt a given this day in age, it's extremely helpful to arm yourself with a script and/or a plan when you're confronted by tasty, tempting food.
- If you're handed a slice of cake at a birthday party, the line might be, "No thank you. I brought my own 'treat' for dessert," or "No thank you. I'm stuffed from the rest of the food."
- If you're handed a sample of cookies at the supermarket, the line might be, "No thanks. I've just eaten."
- If you're stressed and wanting to turn to food, the action and thoughts might be, "I'll go for a walk to keep my mind off food...I CAN do this! ... food doesn't control me!"
Learning to handle unexpected food triggers takes practice, but the key is to start practicing now. The more you do it, the more these behaviors will simply become who you are and what you do!!