- Make your goals as specific as possible. Prevent setting general goals such as "I will lose weight," "I will exercise more," or "I will eat healthier." Instead, commit to actions that will help you lose weight such as journaling each day, exercising 30 minutes each day, or allowing yourself a sweet 2x/wk rather than every day or multiple times per day. Think realistically, but push yourself slightly out of your comfort zone. The only way to make progress or to change your current situation is to do something different. Your goals become a reality when you push yourself when you don't want to be pushed!
- Choose one realistic and specific goal. Trying to tackle too many things at one time is overwhelming and unlikely to last. Too many things on your plate is a sure way to get burned out. Once your new action(s) have become a habit, it is then a good time to set a new goal. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
- Create a reminder list. Make a list each day of what you need to get done - including action steps that are helping you towards your goal(s). At the end of each day, make a list of all the positive things you did such as packing a lunch, walking or doing some form of exercise during the day, practicing some form of stress management, or resisting a temptation. Take the focus off of any challenges you may have had, but rather focus on ALL the positive things you ARE doing!
- Take immediate action. Doing anything is better than nothing! If you don't have time to go for your normal 30 minute walk, walk for 5 or 10 minutes. If you struggle with making healthy food choices at work, make sure to pack a lunch and snacks the night before so you have healthy options with you. Whether it's changing your diet beginning with your next meal or joining the gym, taking action and continuing to take small steps each day will ensure your success!
Healthy wishes,