1. Stop Rushing. Start giving yourself more time to get things done.
2. Get enough sleep. If you are operating on less than sufficient sleep, even the small annoyances can become major crises - not to mention the effects on your hormone levels.
3. Let out a big sigh. This will help you naturally begin to breathe more deeply. Try to free up your abdomen so it can expand as you inhale. Let the breath linger for a moment, then gently draw your belly button in as your exhale.
4. Indulge in some calorie free treats. Enjoy a massage, hot bath, pedicure, or a good book.
5. Use creative visualization. Imagine a relaxing or happy setting to take you away from the stressful situation.
6. Disconnect from the electronic world. Turn off your cell phone, shut down your computer, drive with the radio off and stay clear of the TV for just one night. Give room to simply be.
7. Try single tasking. Often times when we are multi-tasking it takes us much longer to actually finish the task. Instead pick one task to do and you will be able to quickly cross it off your to-do list.
8. Make time to cuddle. This could be with your significant other, kids or pets.
9. Schedule automatic down time. This may be as little as 5 minutes a day where you empty your mind and reconnect to yourself.
10. Cut yourself some slack. Stop demanding perfectionism. No one is perfect!
11. Take a moment of gratitude. Even in the most difficult of times, look for something to be thankful for. Gratitude is often a huge source of happiness.
12. Learn to meditate. By taking just a few minutes to simply be and breathe, you’ll begin to develop a state of calm presence and focused awareness that pays its dividends throughout the day.
13. Prioritize. Figure out the difference between urgent, important and nonessential tasks and focus your energy appropriately.
14. Do the cobra. According to yoga, this pose tones your adrenal glands (to help prevent exhaustion) and stimulates your heart. Try this: lie on your stomach, placing your hands flat on the floor next to your ribcage. Slowly straighten your arms, lift your chest and press your shoulders away from your ears. Hold the pose for a few slow deep breaths.
15. Write things down. This will help dispel any anxiety and free up mental energy to you can participate and enjoy the now.
16. Ask for help. Believe it or not, you don’t have to do everything yourself. Most people want to feel needed, so here’s your chance to make them happy.
17. Go for a walk outside. Getting fresh air is a known tool for reducing stress.
18. Let the sun shine in. Sunlight is not only a good source of Vitamin D, it's also necessary for the production of serotonin, one of the “feel good” hormones.
19. Get creative. Expressing yourself can be an emotional release. Try cooking, drawing, planting, dancing. Do whatever it is you need to bring yourself relief.
20. Eat stress reducing foods
a. B vitamins –asparagus, almonds, almond butter, spinach, broccoli, lentils, red peppers, snapper, salmon, halibut, scallops, shrimp. If you feel like you are really stressed, you may consider taking a B complex supplement.
b. Magnesium- raw cacao, leafy greens, seaweeds
c. Adaptagenic herbs –Maca or Ashwaganda
d. Omega 3’s - salmon, flax seed, walnuts, chia and hemp
e. Zinc- grass fed beef, leafy greens, miso, pumpkin seeds