Do you enjoy bread, pasta, rice, sugary foods, etc.? Me too! But when you consume these foods can make all the difference in re-shaping your body and losing fat mass. Be sure to focus more on the whole grain varieties and save them until 1-2 hours after you exercise.
If you want to lose fat, a controlled carb diet where most of your carbs come from veggies and fruits, plus a small amount of additional carbs from sugary sources during exercise and a small amount of starch sources post-exercise. Sure, this sounds challenging, but when mastered, this strategy sure does work!
If you want to gain more muscle, you consume more carbs. The specific amount is based on your individual needs and activity patterns (we can discuss this during a one-on-one nutrition session).
When it comes to body composition change, this carbohydrate timing strategy is the single most effective strategy in order to initiate fat loss in people with stubborn and hard-to-remove body fat stores. It also minimizes fat gain in people gaining muscle.
Types of Carbohydrate and When to Eat Them For Fat Loss:
Food Type: Exercise Recovery Drink - Consume only during exercise - Examples: Sugary, protein-rich recovery drinks
Food Type: Simple Sugars - Consume rarely - Examples: Sugary sports drinks, breakfast cereals, soda, fruit juice,table sugar, sugary desserts, ice cream, muffins, bagels, and other carb-rich snacks
Food Type: Starchy Foods - Consume within 1-2 hours after exercise - Examples: Bread (preferably whole grain), pasta (preferably whole grain, flax or soy), Rice (preferably whole grain, wild, unprocessed), potatoes (preferably sweet potatoes or yams), oats (preferably whole oats), cereal grains (wheat, rye, etc.)
Food Type: Fruits and Vegetables - Consume with each meal - Examples: Spinach, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, oranges, avocados, berries, celery root, rutabega, parsnip, daikon, etc.
Types of Carbohydrate and When to Eat Them For Muscle Gain:
Food Type: Exercise Recovery Drink - Consume during and after exercise
Food Type: Simple Sugars - Consume immediately after exercise (if at all)
Food Type: Starchy Foods - Consume within 3 hours after exercise
Food Type: Fruits and Vegetables - Consume with each meal
As you can see, depending upon your personal goals, you will need to adjust your eating strategies accordingly. We can further personalize your plan during your one-on-one nutritional counseling session. I look forward to hearing from you!