As a dietitian, I take this serious problem to heart. It is my job to help those who want to help themselves - who want to help those around them who they love and care so much for. It really comes down to the fact that millions of adults and children are killing themselves by eating the wrong foods, packing on pounds from over-sized portions and undoubtedly not moving their bodies enough. What are we becoming? It's time for all of us to STOP making excuses, and START working on the solutions. So many of us sadly do not realize what we are doing to ourselves when we overeat and simply justify it. Not only are you hurting yourself and ultimately your quality of life, but you are negatively influencing those around you. If we are going to work on reducing the number of overweight, unhealthy people in this country and worldwide, we will need to work together. This starts with you and I - caring for one another in terms of giving encouragement and taking the responsibility for ourselves and being positive examples and role models.
I am not only referring to our dietary intake here - I am referring to living an overall healthy lifestyle and achieving wellness. Diets DO NOT work. When you diet, you may lose weight. But most often, this weight loss is only temporary - you gain the weight back plus a little more, and the weight gained back is usually in the form of fat. In order to prevent this dieting cycle, it takes making a permanent transition to modify your lifestyle, including your food and beverage selections. You'll need to learn which foods help your body burn fat, which ones will give you the most energy, and which foods will negatively impact you and your health. It involves finding "new" favorite foods and having the understanding that it's not about never eating your current favorite foods (and possibly not so great for you foods), it's simply about eating smaller portions and less frequently. It is important to learn how to move your mass. Commit to doing so and find physical activity that you enjoy - not that you dread! Tell others of your goals. Explain to them why this is important to you, and begin your journey to better health. Be excited about becoming stronger both mentally and physically. Be the example! You deserve to feel good, look good, and have the confidence to live a happy and fulfilling life.
If you're ready to begin working towards a healthier lifestyle, but are not sure where to start, contact me to learn how to do so. I offer one-on-one lifestyle and weight management, as well as group classes. I will be starting a new 12-week class on February 21st, 2011. Feel free to visit this link to learn more about the Transitions Lifestyle Management System I teach and personally follow. Here you will receive a formal introduction to the program by weight management and fitness expert Lydia Martinez. Learn about low-glycemic eating and the fact that with this system, you no longer need to count calories or points. You will also have access to state-of-the-art behavior modification tools that will support your efforts in transitioning to your new lifestyle. Finally, you will learn how to find your favorite activity and exercise program that will last a lifetime. You can also view testimonials from individuals who have had success with the Transitions Lifestyle System by clicking on the above link, or view my testimonials page.
By utilizing the Transitions Lifestyle Management System, your weight management success is a reality. Whether it is utilizing this system or not, it is your responsibility to take action It is just a matter of you taking action to begin your transition from who you are today, to who you want to be in the future!
Healthy wishes,
Alissa C. Robertson, MS, RD
(802) 999-5684
[email protected]