As much as you need to be picked up when you’re down, as much as you need be helped and supported from time to time, as much as you need some positivity in your life . . . you also need someone to kick your butt back into gear when you’re slacking, and help you snap out of the simple laziness that we all fall into from time to time.
With Lifestyle Nutrition, that person is your coach, whose job it is to stay on top of you as much as it is to support you. If you miss a day, okay, fine; miss two, and the next time we get together I'm on you. If there’s a legitimate problem, we’ll help find a solution; if there’s just an excuse, I'll call you on it and get you back to being honest with yourself again.
Everyone needs someone to hold them accountable, especially in the beginning of a new process that they’re unfamiliar with. So who is that person in your life right now? Who challenges your excuses? Who helps you get back on track?
Who are you accountable to?
Well, there you go, 8 lessons you can use right now to change your body, and ultimately your life — courtesy of Lifestyle Nutrition.
Pick one, and put it to use today, because that’s what it really takes to change.
Alissa Robertson, MS, RD
Nutrition Specialist
(802) 999-5684
[email protected]