Some of them run against conventional wisdom (but conventional wisdom isn’t doing much for the physiques of North Americans these days, is it?), and if you use them, you will be leaner, stronger and healthier than you ever thought you could be.
Many of theese lessons aren’t about “nutrition” per se, and there’s a reason for that. You can learn the in’s and out’s of what to eat in other blog posts and articles. Healthy Eating is about actually changing, and so is this post.
Keep an open mind, read each lesson each day, and ask yourself honestly: “how many of these am I actually doing?” If you really want to lose fat, then at the end, I suggest you pick one lesson and start using it right away.
Let’s get started.
1. Measure what you want to improve. When working with my clients, I keep data on everything clients want to improve. Wanna lose weight? Step on the scale. Wanna be more precise and lose fat? Get out the body fat analyzer and measure body fat. Wanna fit into your skinny clothes? Try them on once in a while. Wanna feel better? Then every few weeks, actually ask yourself how you’re feeling, write it down, and review it every few months.
Basic stuff right? I THINK NOT! I work with a variety of individuals each day, both one-on-one and in small groups, with clients from all walks of life. And believe me: practically no one does this. Holding yourself accountable isn't easy, but it truly works! There’s an old saying you’d be wise to follow: “What gets measured gets done.”